Bounders by Monica Tesler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Closer to a 4.5.
A lot of people tend to be looking for the "next" something. This aspires to be the next Ender's Game, and surprisingly succeeds on the merits.
The story follows kids at a military-space school. Technology has allowed us to identify a link regarding the structure of the brain and space travel, so kids are brought to the academy to be trained. Of course, this is under false pretenses, and the kids soon learn what role they're supposed to play in an interplanetary situation.
I found this book to be unique in spite of the many tropes it employed, being a fun read overall with enough action and humor to balance the rest out. Might be a little more sophisticated than the age group it's initially intended for, but if you have kids who are looking for some great science fiction (especially after seeing the new Star Wars), this is definitely worth the time.
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This did very well with one of my students, although he didn't like the ending. There are more good space adventure books coming out, which is good to see after all of the depressing dystopian books!