My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In a way, the Ree Reyes books are somewhat critic-proof at this point. It's a geek's dream, an excuse to pile as much fandom into its pages as possible while still being a fun, compelling read, and what it does just works. It doesn't turn me off, it might turn off other readers, but that's fine.
Hexomancy feels like a good addition to the excellent novella from about a year ago, where it follows up what happened with the massive attack and then raises the stakes. The result is a book that's maybe a little darker, and perhaps less fun on a whole than Celebromancy, but that's more than okay - it's just evolving a bit and the meat of it still works.
Overall, if you've enjoyed the series up until now, this is not going to change your mind. It's a solid read with a light touch, and the spot-the-references fun is what keeps this series sustained in the long run.
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