Roomies by Sara Zarr
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I've never read anything by either of these authors, but Sara Zarr in particular is held in high regard in many of my circles, and the idea of a team book about two girls who are headed to college and will be roommates was something that sounded pretty great.
The story alternates between the two girls. One, a more upper class girl looking for a good college time, the other a more middle/lower class girl from a large family who really wanted a single so she could escape from her life a bit. The two strike up a friendship over email as they get to their move-in day and experience each other's lives a little bit through each other in the process.
I liked a lot about this book. Everything felt realistic, and having it be written by two separate people meant that the two voices sounded distinct, which is often difficult to do. Overall, I have no complaints on the whole, but I did feel it ultimately got a little long, and perhaps didn't quite hit the mark emotionally with a lot of the ways the girls handled their individual situations.
These are all minor flaws in what should be a great read for most, and one I can wholeheartedly recommend.
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