21 December 2012

Review: The Unwritten, Vol. 1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity

The Unwritten, Vol. 1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity
The Unwritten, Vol. 1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity by Mike Carey

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Unwritten is another comic I started with the individual issues way back whenever and then stopped and now I get to read through again. I'm pretty sure I read through the first four trades individually, so this one especially is interesting in how knowing later plot points really expands the earlier issues.

In this one, we're introduced to Tommy Taylor, the man who, as a child, was the inspiration for a children's book series about wizard (yes, it's a direct Harry Potter riff). The author, however, has gone missing and the series isn't quite complete. And now there's reason to suspect that the real Tommy Taylor is a fraud. The reality, of course, is much more complex.

The series reminds me of Fables a lot, and for good reason - it has a similar narrative flow, and the artwork is really immersive in many regards. Like I said before, there are things even in the first couple issues that reminded me of stuff from what will come in much later trades. It's very intricately written, and hopefully this continues as time goes on - my recollection of certain plot arcs are a little hazy at this point, but I'm looking forward to diving back in.

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