28 February 2012

Review: Tessa Masterson Will Go to Prom

Tessa Masterson Will Go to Prom
Tessa Masterson Will Go to Prom by Brendan Halpin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A really high-quality read. Lucas is crushing hardcore on Tessa, and devises a really dramatic, romantic way to ask her to prom. It falls flat, however, because Tessa likes girls and not boys. Lucas feels betrayed, and Tessa and him fall out a bit, and the story follows Tessa's attempts to go to the prom (facing significant scorn from the local community) and Lucas dealing with being the other guy/jerk.

There's not a lot to say about it except that it's a great story that isn't bogged down by its fairly clear message - a rarity. Definitely a good read overall.

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